Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A New (but familiar) Inspiration!

I just stumbled on another artist I really like: Stella Im Hultberg! Her work reminds me a little of Stina Persson's. I think its because she uses least that's what it looks like, not sure though. I seem to have an attraction to watercolor art lately. Probably b/c I have no skill in that medium whatsoever, so it fascinates me to a certain extent.

I also found it helpful to look at her sketch book. I've been having a hard time getting myself to draw lately. Its like I need someone to tell me "draw this" or I need a picture to look at in order to draw something, otherwise I end up with just a bunch of doodles that look like a kid did them at the bus stop. Its discouraging. So, I think I will try to take what I've seen on stella's site and use it in my own practice. I will turn my sketch book into a journal and jot down words or phrases that come to mind throughout the day, then draw inspiration from them later. Hopefully it will help me to develop a style of my own.

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