Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lesson 2

My counseling session last night went very well. We analyzed my collages on love and loneliness. Then the discussion came to the topic of goals and how I feel like I've never reached a goal I set in my life...ever. I did admit that I made a new years resolution this year to be true to myself and that by breaking off my engagement and that relationship I feel like I've accomplished that resolution. She said, "Well, there you go and its only March! That's good! Its a good start." So, my homework this week is to set several goals that I think I can achieve. A couple each day, a couple each week, and 1 bigger one for the whole month. It will be nice to actually know that I've achieved something instead of always feeling like I've failed.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008


What do you want in the future...What do you want to do, have, or see?